A Review of 5 Pet Health Insurance Policies

A Review of 5 Pet Health Insurance Policies

A Review of 5 Pet Health Insurance Policies
A Review of 5 Pet Health Insurance Policies

It makes no difference whether you have already chosen to acquire health insurance for the family pet or if you are only considering it. When comparing one health insurance quote to another, keep in mind that the basic dollar amount is not the only figure to consider. Aside from the monthly payment, make sure you also look into what kind of veterinary care and treatments are covered (some basic insurance plans do not cover cancer treatment), what kind of deductible you, the pet owner, will be expected to pay, if there is a yearly cap on medical expenses, and what kind of discounts are available.

There are currently just a few firms that provide pet health insurance. Pets Best Pet Insurance, Veterinary Pet Insurance, ShelterCare, Pets Health, and PetCare are five of the most popular businesses.

1. A Pets Best Pet Insurance policy will cost roughly $32.00 per month ($384.00 yearly). Pets Best will pay for pet sterilization if the pet owner purchases an additional wellness package, Pets Best will cover pet sterilization. Pet insurance does not cover pre-existing medical conditions, so it is advisable to insure your pet early to prevent issues from developing. Pets Best offers a lifetime maximum of $99,750 per pet. There is a $75.00 deductible on Pets Best health insurance plans.. There are many pet discounts available. Cancer is covered by Pet’s Best pet health insurance.

2. Veterinary Pet Insurance is a firm that provides pet owners with a $14,000 annual maximum on an insurance plan that costs around $20.00 per month. Veterinary Pet Insurance provides policies that include pet sterilization and cancer coverage with a $50.00 deductible (after the deductible, they pay 90% of the expense). Veterinary pet insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions and does not provide savings for multiple pets.

3. The annual cost of ShelterCare, a pet insurance plan, is around $29.95. There is no deductible, and cancer treatments are covered for $29.95. ShelterCare will not pay for pet sterilization or any pre-existing conditions. There is no benefit limit in place for ShelterCare. ShelterCare provides multi-pet savings, medical services, and microchips.

4. Pet health insurance coverage from the Pets Health insurance firm will cost the pet owner around $37.17 per month. After the $100.00 deductible is met, Pets Health pays 80% of the pet’s vet charge. Pets Health has a $13,000 annual limit on each. After ninety days, Pet Health will cover pre-existing conditions. Pet Health offers savings for several pets. Under certain conditions, Pet Health insurance plans do provide cancer coverage.

5. PetCare is a pet health insurance provider that estimates the average monthly cost for pet coverage to be $29.95. This plan has a $500 deductible. While PetCare is delighted to cover the expense of your pet’s cancer treatments, they will not cover pre-existing conditions or pet sterilization. PetCare provides savings for multi-pet subscriptions as well as medical services.

None of these insurance carriers anticipated monthly pricing includes any additional insurance riders.

Any of these firms’ policies may change between now and the time you acquire pet health insurance coverage.

Remember to read the small print before purchasing pet health insurance.

All five of these pet health insurance providers have their own websites where you can acquire the most recent pet health insurance estimates.

If you are not satisfied with the preceding five comparisons, there are alternative pet health insurance firms with varied costs, discounts, limitations, and benefit limits.


There are currently just a few firms that provide pet health insurance. Pets Best Pet Insurance, Veterinary Pet Insurance, ShelterCare, Pets Health, and PetCare are five of the most popular businesses.

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